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News & Events
Long-term zinc supplementation identifies key regulatory pathways involved in slowing the progression to end-stage AMD
Complement Factor H is needed
Lifestyle changes protect against blindness - Press Release by Pro Retina Deutschland e.V.
Genetics in retinal disease: complex traits at the EURETINA 2018
7th EYE-RISK consortium meeting
Mediterranean diet and incidence of advanced AMD
Disease characteristics of AMD patients with a variant in the CFH gene
A new hypothesis on the progression to geographic atrophy
New classification of geographic atrophy subtypes
New Horizons in Vision and Hearing Research
The role of lipids in macular degeneration
Recent Study on AMD prevalence in Europe
EYE-RISK - a European Research Project - see the EYE-RISK movie on YouTube
Exploring the combined role of genetic and non-genetic factors for developing Age-Related Macular Degeneration:
A systems level analysis of disease subgroups, risk factors, and pathways
See more EYE-RISK videos on YouTube
Visit the EYE-RISK YouTube video channel:<br><strong>Fighting blindness in the elderly - The EYE-RISK project</strong>
Visit the EYE-RISK YouTube video channel:<br><strong>How does AMD affect your life? Irma and Detlef share their story.</strong>